Monday, September 14, 2015

Yummy Felt Corn

Wow, my pincushion that I linked to Sew Can Do Craftastic Monday last week is featured today there :)! That's a very nice start of the week. So, let's continue the fun and I'm linking today's post to Craftastic Monday Party as well.

The past week I ended up in working with 4 sewing / embroidery projects, which is way too many with so little time I can squeeze. That's why I'm very happy I finished this one on Saturday. And I realized it took me 1,5 month to finish that! It's felt corn on the cob.

As I already mentioned in one of the posts, I fell in love a bit with making felt food. I made some and my son, Franek, was enthusiatic about it, so it was a very good reason for me to carry on. Per his request my next project had to be corn. I found a gorgeous tutorial on While Wearing Heels blog, where the corn looks like a real one. The way kernels are made is very time consuming but worth the effect.

I had to make some changes in sewing the leaves though. In the tutorial, the corn and leaves are sewn together and Franek wanted them to be separate - after all, you don't cook corn with leaves, so they had to be removeable :). This is how it turned out.

In July I got two books about felt food (and not only) as my birthday gift, so stay tuned for more felt stuff here.


  1. This is so cute!! Thanks for sharing this sweet project at this week's Craftastic Monday too:)

    1. Hello Cheryl, with pleasure :). It's nice to read your blog and be part of it in some way.


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